About the Chamber
The Catoosa Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organization funded by membership dues, donations, and fundraisers. Our overall objective is supporting our member businesses, overall economic development for Catoosa, and to manage or support local events to help bring in people to our fine community and support our local businesses while they are in the area.
The Catoosa Area Chamber of Commerce is made up of a group of business and organization leaders striving to foster a positive economic environment for Catoosa. The Chamber strives to encourage, inform, and support the membership on current and future economic development and municipal issues. We continue to work closely with the city, county and state officials and departments to encourage improvements in infrastructure while searching for ways to attract new businesses, residents, and tourists to the Catoosa area.
We assist our member businesses and organizations in a variety of ways:

Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies
WELCOME! Our Ambassadors will come to your place of business to celebrate your opening with a “Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony.” Your picture will be taken with the Ambassadors and published on the Chambers’s social media platforms.This is a great way to introduce yourself to the public.

Chamber Recognition Awards
- Spotlight Awards are awarded to chamber members who have contributed significantly to the advancement and continued success of the Chamber.
- The Community Service Award is given to chamber members who have shown exemplary community support.

Business Referrals
A certain advantage of chamber membership is the referral system. The Chamber office receives numerous calls for recommendations regarding business services, housing, utilities, etc. As a benefit to those we serve, we refer individuals and other businesses to our Chamber member businesses and organizations that best fit their needs.

Networking Events
The Chamber strives to provide a variety of networking opportunities for our members, guests and sponsors. These mainly center around the following areas but if you have an idea for a networking event, we would be glad to discuss with you.
- Chamber Luncheons
- After-Hours Networking Events
- Morning Networking Events
- Special Events